We create tailor-made software applications

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We are Bitized

Bitized (/ˈbɪˌtaɪzd/) derived from the word "digitized", is a unique way of saying "to put into digital form". This is what we focus on, transforming your bold ambitions into digital realities. Whether that is in the form of a web or mobile application.


Our services are designed to solve every problem you might face while transforming your ambitions into digital realities.

Web Applications

  • Every company is unique and this calls for custom made solutions. We build web applications to help you run your business more effectively.

Mobile Applications

  • Mobile applications are growing in popularity. We build mobile applications to help enhance your engagement, increase visibility and cultivate customer loyalty.

Website Development

  • Websites are must-haves in this digital era. We design and develop tailor-made websites so you can get the online presence you deserve.


These are our recent works. We've created amazing experiences with custom software solutions that people love.

Got an idea you want to share with us?

Turn your bold ambitions into digital realities. Contact us and discover how we can help.

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